Senin, 19 November 2012

Opini (Traffic Bumps)


The facilities along   the street, where is it becomes a public necessities very important thing in our life, special for people that spend their time to work out side.  Almost people that work out need that in order they can rich their office in effective time.  Such as the traffic light’s rule, the policemen that have a responsibility to manage the traffic along the street and they can be avoided from the traffic jam.
Talk about street’s rules, some of us always give negative comment about that, because now days the rules do not run well again. Adding that problem, sometimes the user in the street also do not obey the rules existence. So we can’t blame others before we realized in our self to appreciate that rules. Seems like the topic that I want to discuss about the making of traffic bumps along Hankam’s street until Cijantung’s street. In my observation there are sixty four traffic bumps along there. That makes some people give their comment even it is pro or contra. In this time I would like to explore my opinion about that.
First of all the making of traffic bumps that out over of needed, actually there are positive comments , it allowed me to be more carefully and still run in the middle of speedy. It also makes us always keep away with another transportation in order we can be avoided from accident, beside that it try us to be more a patient person and must be a wisdom person when we are driving on there. Not only positive thing, it also has negative comment because the space of the traffic bumps is not same, sometimes the space nearest and rarely far away between each other. It also does not have a stripe mark above it, so sometimes I can’t see it and I almost fall down from my motorcycle. Actually I always ride my motorcycle every pass that way. So it is better if it is given mark above the traffic bump and the space must be same from one to another and surely must decrease the sum of it. It also needs more carried from the major and the citizens around there in order the rules can run well and the user can feel comfort, still keep driving well and have to obey the rules that is given.

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